As soon as your order has left our warehouse, you'll receive a shipping email with a link to track your parcel. Your shipping email will note which items are being dispatched within the same order, so you may receive multiple emails as some items might ship separately. This will be the case if you order a Disney Partner Product (custom tees/hoodies/mugs).
Disney Partner Products
Disney Partner Products are shipped directly from our vendor as opposed to from our warehouse, so won’t arrive in the same box as the rest of your order. These items can take up to 10 working days to arrive, and you’ll receive a shipping confirmation email with details on how to track these items. Custom tees/hoodies/mugs are shipped by Royal Mail, and you can track them here.
Pre-order items
Please also check that your item was not a pre-order or back-order item as these may also ship separately.
Get in touch
If you still have questions about a missing item, please get in touch.